What causes the disease of stealing?

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We may have seen news about famous people or the wealthy with a lot of assets. But were arrested for theft, intentional theft even though they could have paid for it themselves. Why do they choose to steal without paying even though they have the money to pay? Or are they patients with the disease of stealing? What is the disease of stealing? Let’s find the answer.

What causes the disease of stealing?

Kleptomania may be caused by a brain disorder that involves low levels of serotonin (which may lead to depression), genetics, and poor childhood upbringing.

Is petty theft a mental illness?

Stealing disease is not considered a mental illness, but is a disease caused by abnormalities in the brain that cannot control one’s emotions. Other diseases in the same group include the disease of being unable to control one’s own anger outbursts, the disease of being unable to control the behavior of wanting to burn, playing with fire, the disease of being unable to control the desire to gamble, โปรโมชั่น ufabet etc.

What are the symptoms of stealing disease?

Most patients with stealing disorder have a high chance of not having financial problems, but rather having a psychological problem that requires them to release something, and expresses it through stealing. When they succeed in stealing, they feel better.

Patients with thieving disorder feel guilty after stealing. Some people even return the items after stealing because they did not intend to steal for personal use. They will not behave aggressively or lie when caught. The theft will occur immediately, meaning there is no prior planning. When they see something, they feel like stealing immediately.