10 ways to prevent “bloating”

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Bloating can be caused by many things. It can be from eating too much or the food you eat may be difficult to digest. But whenever you feel bloated, it is no joke. It makes you feel nauseous and suffers to the point where you cannot eat or sleep. สมัคร ufabet Many people have had to rush out and take medicine urgently.

But in fact, we can relieve symptoms of bloating without always relying on antibiotics.

Causes of bloating

  • Not chewing food thoroughly before swallowing makes digestion more difficult.
  • Eating too fast
  • Chew your food while talking.
  • Drink soft drinks or alcoholic beverages between meals.
  • Eating large amounts of difficult-to-digest foods, such as meat, fried foods, high-fat foods, and starches that are difficult to digest, such as raw bananas, brown rice, and tubers.
  • Side effects from diseases related to the intestines and digestive system, such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, abdominal tumors, etc.
  • Side effects of taking certain medications that cause excessive gas in the stomach and intestines, such as aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, etc.
  • Allergies to certain foods, such as gluten

How to relieve bloating and flatulence

  1. Chew your food for longer and more thoroughly, chewing your food 20-30 times before swallowing every bite.
  2. Limit your intake of carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages, as they can contribute to gas buildup in the stomach.
  3. Avoid foods that contain sorbitol (a sugar substitute often found in some chewing gums and candies), as it is made from fructose, which can cause bloating.
  4. In people who are allergic to gluten protein, these foods should be avoided.
  5. Limit foods that are difficult to digest, such as high-fat and fried foods.
  6. Don’t eat too much at one meal.
  7. Eat foods that contain probiotics, or live microorganisms that are beneficial to the body, such as yogurt, to help increase good bacteria in the intestines, reduce symptoms of bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.
  8. Moving your body gently after a meal helps your body get rid of gas from your intestines and stomach.
  9. Exercising regularly increases bowel movement and helps relieve stress.
  10. Take herbs that have carminative properties and relieve flatulence, such as ginger, mint, cinnamon, chamomile, basil, cumin, garlic, nutmeg, parsley, and oregano.